Saturday, January 27, 2007

This Place'll be the Death of Me

I have to get out of here. I'm going to die. I almost want to die! I'm not sure... I'm so confused. If it weren't for Ashlee, Red, Lep, and Hope, I'd probaly kill myself. I almost did. I think. I'm not sure what I was thinking. All I know is that during testing, I started inching towards a bunch of sharp-looking docter things... some needles and KNIVES. I was so close to them, my hand reaching towards them... then Lep grabed my hand and pulled me back to the group, where spome scietist was testing Ashlee's plant powers.
I don't know what would have happened if I had gotten ahold of one of the knives. It wouldn't have been pretty, I know that. Blood, naturaly. Probaly on me, possibly on the dumb butt scientists.

I gotta get outta here.


maxridelvr said...

I say, kill the scientists!!!!!!
>:@ >:( :< Turn invisible and grab one of those knives. One will have their back turned on you for sure. They don't understand the power of a mutant. Where I was made they didn't. That's how I got out. I made a door out of the wall, by throwing a guy into it. It'll work for sure. Tell Hope I said hi. Everyone else too, of course. From one mutant to another.

Nadia said...

I would kill those scientists in a heartbeat if i could handle killing someone. It would haunt me for the rest of my life... unfortunatly.
Everyone says hi back!


Nadia said...

I can't wait for No. 3 either!

Anonymous said...

Sooo romantic. Awwwww...
Joke by the way.