Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm back!

Oh, my word. I am so sorry I haven't posted in so long! So much has happened, and I don't have much time to write about it all. I'll write about as much as I can, a summery, then do the rest later.

First of all, "our" laptop. It was destroyed. That's one reason why I (or Ashlee) haven't been able to post. The... Scahls? is that what they're called? well, they destroyed it. Yes, we met up with them. It was horrible. They were really scary... And they hurt Red. Not too badly, it was his arm. He's fine now, just has some really gross scars (we heal quickly, i guess).

Great, I have to go. I'll post more later! Or Ashlee will.

Invisible Girl
(aka Nadia)

Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm scared, too...

We've been on the run every since... well, a couple days after the last post.

I had a... well, i guess you could call it a vision. it was weird.

My vision got all blue... and, you know how it is on Sims 2 PS2 when you're going to chat with a sim? it kinda zooms... the edges are blurry... yeah, that's how it was with me.

I saw these things... they looked like... well, like men, but very scaley... i was looking through some old posts just now, and Maxridelvr commented about shape shifters... i think that's what they are. I saw them busting down the door, armed with guns. I saw them capturing Hope and Red. Ashlee and I hid in a closet. I heard a gunshot... I heard Lep screaming...

it was the most aweful thing i have ever heard.

the door opened up, and one of the shape shifters aimed a gun at us...

Then the vision was over.

I was crying... everyone seems worried... It was kind of embaressing. Lep hugged me...

When I was able to stop, i told them everything. Ashlee grabbed the laptop and we headed out. I don't know how far ahead we are from the shape shifters, or if that was just some weird bad dream... but i don't want to know. i just want to get the heck away...


So much has been happening. It's scaring me. I just want to be normal.
Okay, Nadia wants to tell the story.
Here she is.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Eclipse is SOOOOO good! i'm almost halfway through!!!


PS. Nadia and Le-ep, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S- OUCH! NADIA!!! oh, she is SO dead! =D

I'm Back!

Nadia here (Ashlee made me say that)
I'm much much better, thank God! That was probaly one of my worst experiences ever. Almost as bad as being locked up and experimented on. I don't really remember much. All I really remember is wanting to die. And throwing up. But Ashlee and Lep and Red and Hope said that I kept saying Lep's name... uh-oh... i sure hope Hope (hehe) isn't still on that kick about me likeing Lep. 'Cause it's so not true. I like him as a brother. He's just like us, someone I can relate to. He's nice, smart...
Oh, who am I kidding? he's SO cute! (or kawaii, as Ashlee would say)
Don't tell anyone please! although I'm sure Ashlee reads this blog...


PS. i feel really weird right now... different somehow...
PPS. WHAT THE HECK DID ASHLEE TO TO MY BLOG?! I liked it how it was!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Nadia News

go to my blog for it.

yesss! only 2 hours till Eclipse!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I have my own account!

Okay, so I created my own blogger account. i am now part of this blog. i know, i known i was always against this blog. but there's not really anything i can do now, is there? its too late, they're already after us. and Nadia won't delete this blog.
speaking of Nadia, she's still sick. even worst. but yesterday she did wake up briefly. She opened her eyes, looked up at Lep, who wouldn't leave her side, and said "Lep..." He kinda half-smiled. But she wouldn't say anything else. He clearly likes her, Hope keeps picking up on that. She says it can get pretty gross in his mind when Nadia's around. ewww!!!
And Hope said Nadia subconsciously like him, too, but isn't admitting it to herself just yet.


PS. should i create my own blog?

Monday, July 30, 2007

Ashlee here.

The laptop broke down, but we found some store where they fix comps, so it's all good.
Well, not totaly. Nadia's sick. That's why I'm writing this for her. We're not sure why she's sick, or how or what the hec it is. all i know is that i'm scared. she's really sick.

First she had a cough.
Then she started coughing weird stuff up.
Then pukeing.
Then she started burning up.
She's sleeping now. Lep's been carrying her, since we really can't afford to stop. Well, we've stopped now, to rest. but other than that, he's been carrying her.

I'm really really worried. I mean REALLY really worried. We all are. I'm afraid. I've never seen anything like it. Her face is red. she's sweating, moaning in her sleep. i don't have a thermomater, but she feels much warmer than she should. even if she had the flu.

I'm going to draw a picture of Nadia. I snagged a sketch book and pencil from a store. Nadia doesn't know that I can draw. I can nly draw Japanese Animation, of course, like Nadia, but better.
btw, I have page one of the manga series Courtney's doing for us, but I'm going to wait to post them until i get a few more pages.

hope just said nadia's awake! yay!


PS. i'm thinking about getting my own blog...

Friday, July 6, 2007


Yestdarday was my birthday. Some birthday. Not that I'm greedy or anything, but it would be nice to celebrate my fourteenth with some cake... any food that tastes good! well, actualy, Lep stole some doughnuts from a bakery. He stuffed 'em into his huge pockets, so they were squished, and a little gross... but they were better than nothing. The next birthday is Ashlee's, in August.
