Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I set up a library card at this library, the one we're currently crashing at. All the info on it is fake, of course.
But I really wanted to read Twilight. It looks soooo good! I'll take it with me. Maybe someday the library will get it back. I'll mail it to them. Someday.

We found a kitten on the road. we've all fallen in love with him (Lep says it's a male, anyways). Especialy Lep. guess it's becuase of his "talents". You know, ag
OMG the policeare here


Venom said...

I think you will really enjoy Twilight. It is a very good book, and it is really quite accurate about vampires. Name the kitten Total, after the dog on MaximumRide. Maybe he talks! He he. Ha ha. MaximumRide is such a good book, for a second, I felt alive. LONG LIVE JAMES PATTERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nudge.::.Twin said...

Twilight is the best book ever! I wouldn't bother with the library. I'd just get it at Barnes&Noble along with Maximum Ride 3.

Venom said...

Oh, and if the girl at the top had wings, she would look like you! That's pretty cool. I would trade venom-coated fangs and my long life span for wings any day! But I would not have my family, which would suck. A lot.

AuthorAngel said...

Check out Wedazzleyou.blogspot.com
It's awesome!

Just another face in the crowd said...

o cool I just started twilight ^_^